Industry 4.0: Aspects of Business Model Development (InnoPeer AVM Advanced Training)

Angeboten von: Prof. Dr. Stephan Kaiser, Eva Breuer
Anbietende Hochschule:
Kurssprache: Englisch
Wissensgebiet: Wirtschaftswissenschaften Kostenfrei
Durchschnittliche Bearbeitungszeit: 5 Stunden Kostenfrei Einschreiben

Was erwartet Sie in diesem Kurs?

The InnoPeer  Advanced Manufacturing (AVM) courses offer a practical introduction to the topic of Industrie 4.0. The transformation towards Industrie 4.0 is one of the key challenges for European companies. Traditional factories turn into “smart factories” by adding connectivity and self-intelligence. Components are printed instead of casted or forged, and profit drivers will be data instead of real products. However, technological changes are not the only challenges awaiting companies in the new environment of Industrie 4.0. There are also business-related challenges in the fields of organisation, human resources and the development of new business models, which need to be addressed if a company wants to maintain its market position.

This course focuses on innovative business model development. It will be explained how Business Models can be developed by using different new Methods and Tools.

Complementary courses offered by InnoPeer AVM include: Organisational Management, Business Model Development and Strategy, and two courses on Technology.

The course "InnoPeer AVM" forms the basis for a comprehensive further education on current topics in the field of Industrie 4.0. It is funded by the European Union under project number CE1119.


This course will be discontinued on 02.08.2021.

You can no longer enroll in this course as a participant.

If you are already enrolled in the course as a participant, you can work on the course and complete it until 02.08.2021 before it is discontinued.

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Was können Sie in diesem Kurs lernen?

This course provides comprehensive knowledge in the fields of Business Model Developing in the context of Industrie 4.0. The following educational objectives are specifically focused on:

  • Identification of opportunities for new or changing Business Models made possible by I4.0
  • Business Model Developing by Business Model Canvas and Design Thinking
  • Describing different new I4.0 Business Models
  • Opportunities offered by Industry 4.0 and digitalization
  • The integration of ERP and Industry 4.0


This course is structured into the following five chapters:

1. Business Model Development

2. New methods for business model development

3. Strategy and concept of Digital Transformation

4. ERP and New Business model

5. Teaching Case

Angeboten von

DI Eva Breuer has been coordinating the Interreg project InnoPeer AVM. In course of this project a comprehensive curriculum, that combines Industry 4.0 technologies with the related impact factors on HR and organizational management as well as the opportunities for digital business models. She holds a degree in technical physics.

Prof. Stephan Kaiser is chairman of the Institute for the Development of Sustainable Organisations and holds the chair for Human Resources Management and Organization Studies at the Bundeswehr University Munich.

Weitere Autorinnen und Autoren

Manuel Brunner, BSc MSc is coordinator of the Competence Center for Smart Production  at the University of Applied Siences Upper Austria. He is lecturer for business model innovation within the Master degree course Operations management.

Luca Vendraminelli is a PhD candidate in Management and Engineering at the University of Padova, Italy. Currently, he is a visiting fellow at LISH - Laboratory for Innovation Science at Harvard. He is interested in how to govern digital transformations by mean of strategy.

Lara Agostini is Assistant Professor at the Department of Management and Engineering of the University of Padua. Her main research areas are: innovation management and strategy/business models. She won several awards for her publications and she has published in different international journals as International Journal of Management Reviews, International Journal of Production Economics, Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, Journal of Small Business Management, European Management Review.

Anna Nosella is full professor of Business Strategy at the University of Padua, Department of Management and Engineering. Her research interest focuses on innovation management, dynamic capabilities and strategy. Her articles have been published in Technovation, Long Range Planning, Management Decision, Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, Journal of Business Research, International Journal of Human Resource Management, Strategic Organization. She acts as reviewer for journals such as California management review, Journal of organizational change management, Technology analysis and strategic management.

Akos Horvath is Lead expert in IT-Sense Ltd. Most of his experience comes from production company solutions. Specialised in production facility material flow control. He has in-depth experience in the operation of SMEs through various projects, but also has experience in the processes of large companies. His expertise includes IT solutions related to production processes, e.g. data acquisition and analysis, MES development. He is also an ERP consultant

Janos Suri, MBA is Lead expert in SRL Advantage Ltd. His main area of expertise is prcess organisaion. In recent years he has been focusing on digital process control. Before establishing his own company, he gained experience in the operation of large companies and larger SMEs. He is most interested in the solving problems for SMEs with cost-effective smart solutions.

Laszlo Bejo, PhD. is Professor at the Universit of Sopron, Institute of Wood Based Products and Technologies. His main area of expertise is forest products technologies, wood-based construction materials, and nondestructive testing. Industry 4.0 solutions in the wood industries, including smart materials and process control, is a relatively new area of interest.

Matteo Gallo, Innovation Manager, MSc.

After a bachelor’s degree in Engineering Management and a master’s degree in Management & Economics has worked in a large multinational consulting firm. When he joined The Doers he approached the world of innovation. He is studying in order to understand what motivates people to undertake an innovation project and specializing in Innovation Coaching and in the application of Innovation Diffusion models. 


It is recommended to have completed the Basic Training as part of the InnoPeer AVM qualification program or to have an increased interest in digitalisation, advanced manufacturing or related topics. The contents of the InnoPeer AVM courses, covering the various perspectives of technology coming with ​​Industrie 4.0, but also the business perspective, are prepared at a high didactical level in order to enable as many interested users as possible to benefit from free orientation and further education in the constantly changing topic of Industrie 4.0. The target group includes both decision makers and users with different professional qualifications.


Participants can download an automatically generated certificate of participation after they have successfully completed the course.


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Business Model, Business Strategy, Digital Business, Canvas, Design Thinking