Industry 4.0: Aspects of Technology Advanced, Part 1 (InnoPeer AVM Advanced Training)

Angeboten von: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Braunreuther
Anbietende Hochschule: TH Augsburg
Kurssprache: Englisch
Wissensgebiet: Wirtschaftsinformatik Kostenfrei
Durchschnittliche Bearbeitungszeit: 5 Stunden Kostenfrei Einschreiben
Bildnachweis: Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE Programme

Was erwartet Sie in diesem Kurs?

The InnoPeer Advanced Manufacturing (AVM) courses offer a practical introduction to the topic of Industrie 4.0. The transformation towards Industrie 4.0 is one of the key challenges for European companies. Traditional factories turn into “smart factories” by adding connectivity and self-intelligence. Components are printed instead of casted or forged, and profit drivers will be data instead of real products. However, technological changes are not the only challenges awaiting companies in the new environment of Industrie 4.0. There are also business-related challenges in the fields of organisation, human resources and the development of new business models, which need to be addressed if a company wants to maintain its market position.

This course focusses on challenges and changes to the technological aspects of a company. It provides technological foundations, e.g. characteristics and differences of data models, the concept of big data or potentials and restrictions of additive manufacturing. These aspects are presented from a deep background knowledge up to the practical application and the benefit from the emerging technologies. The individual and practical focus towards Industrie 4.0 is further ensured by use cases.

Complementary courses offered by InnoPeer AVM include: Organisational Management, Human Resources Management, Business Model Development and Strategy, and another course on Technology.

The course "InnoPeer AVM" forms the basis for a comprehensive further education on current topics in the field of Industrie 4.0. It is funded by the European Union under project number CE1119.

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Was können Sie in diesem Kurs lernen?

This course provides comprehensive knowledge in the fields of technology in the context of Industrie 4.0. The following educational objectives are specifically focused on:

  • Definition of Industrie 4.0 and related terms to handle these in an industrial context
  • Knowledge of current technologies, advantages and constraints in the field of Industrie 4.0
  • Application of new technologies within SMEs through newly developed use cases


This course is structured into the following 5 chapters:

0. Introduction and organisational information

1. Additive Manufacturing

2. Big Data

3. Connectivity and Data Models

4. Data Security

Angeboten von

Stefan Braunreuther, Prof. Dr.-Ing. recieved his doctor's degree at the TUM in 2013 in the field of laser processing technology. Since 2014 he has been working at the Fraunhofer Institution for Casting, Composite and Processing Technology in Augsburg and is now head of the department Production Planning and Controlling. Moreover, since 2017 he has been professor at the University of Applied Sciences within the fields of Factory Operations and Production.

Weitere Mitwirkende

Patrick Zimmermann, M. Sc. is an expert for intelligent networked systems in production and a member of different national and international committees for Advanced Manufacturing technologies. He works at the Fraunhofer Research Institution for Casting, Composite and Processing Technology in Augsburg within the field of Digital Engineering.

Martin Zäpfel, M.Sc. works at the Fraunhofer Research Institution for Casting, Composite and Processing Technology in Augsburg within the field of Flexible Plant Technology. His research deals with the integration of sensor systems in intelligent parts. He has scientific and practical expertise regarding Industrie 4.0 and additive manufacturing of metals, polymers and multimaterials.


It is recommended to have completed the Basic Training as part of the InnoPeer AVM qualification program or to have an increased interest in digitalisation, advanced manufacturing or related topics. The contents of the InnoPeer AVM courses, covering the various perspectives of technology coming with ​​Industrie 4.0, but also the business perspective, are prepared at a high didactical level in order to enable as many interested users as possible to benefit from free orientation and further education in the constantly changing topic of Industrie 4.0. The target group includes both decision makers and users with different professional qualifications.

Bescheinigung der Teilnahme

Participants can download an automatically generated certificate of participation after they have successfully completed the course.


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Advanced Manufacturing,Industry 4.0,Technology,Big Data,Connectivity,Data Models