Introduction to Academic Research - For Humanities Students with a Focus on Philosophy and Ethics

Angeboten von: Prof. Dr. Dr. Johannes Wallacher
Anbietende Hochschule: HfPh München
Kurssprache: Englisch
Wissensgebiet: Geistes- und Kulturwissenschaften Kostenfrei
Durchschnittliche Bearbeitungszeit: 15 Stunden Kostenfrei Einschreiben
Bildnachweis: lil_foot_ (on Pixabay)

Was erwartet Sie in diesem Kurs?

In this course, participants learn the basics of academic research in the humanities, especially philosophy and ethics: Text analysis, logical argumentation, literature research, giving presentations and writing scientific papers. 

Many of the topics and examples in the course come from the field of ethics and applied philosophy, because these play an important role in numerous humanities and social science degree programmes as well as in the teaching profession.

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Was können Sie in diesem Kurs lernen?

  • Methods and theoretical foundations of academic research in the humanities, especially philosophy and ethics.
  • Basic competences for the preparation of academic papers, such as finding a topic for a paper, writing skills, literature research and its management, creating a work schedule.
  • Presentation techniques.
  • Reading skills to deal with academic texts.
  • Basic rules of citation.


Chapter 1: Science, the Humanities & Philosophy

Introduction to the theoretical foundations of academic research in philosophy.

Chapter 2: Literature Research

Introduction to the procedures for finding, viewing and evaluating academic texts.

Chapter 3: Reading texts 

Tips and instructions on how to work through texts and create excerpts to use for academic papers.

Chapter 4: Writing & Presentations

Tools for academic writing or oral presentation.

Angeboten von

Prof. Dr. Dr. Johannes Wallacher, Professor of Social Sciences and Business Ethics and President of the Munich School of Philosophy.

Weitere Mitwirkende

Content and course creation

Maximilian Wopinski is a research associate for higher educational didactics at the Munich School of Philosophy. He studied educational science and philosophy in Augsburg and Munich and has been working for the QUADIS project (Improving the quality of digitally enhanced teaching at Bavarian universities) since 2021. 

Content and course creation

Dr. Rebecca Gutwald was a research associate and lecturer at the Munich School of Philosophy. From 2018 until 2022 she has been working at the Munich School of Philosophy as the executive director of the doctoral program "Ethics, Culture and Education for the 21st Century."

Preparation of media content

Regina Maria Bäck is a doctoral candidate at the Catholic University of Eichstätt and the Katholische Stiftungshochschule München (KSH) University of Applied Sciences. She is currently a scholarship holder in the dissertation project "Ethics, Culture and Education for the 21st Century." 


Prospective students and first-year students of philosophy as a major or minor subject, students of degree programmes in which philosophy is taught in individual modules (e.g. in social or nursing science degree programmes at universities of applied science or at academies and further education institutes), international students, career changers, students of minor subjects and teacher training students.

Previous knowledge is not required.

Bescheinigung der Teilnahme

After successful completion of at least 75 percent of the marked tasks in the course, participants will receive a certificate of participation in PDF format.


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Humanities,Philosophy,Science,Academic Writing,Research,Writing Skills,Research Skills