Leadership in the Digital Age
Leadership in the Digital Age
Angeboten von: | Prof. Dr. Katrin Winkler | ||
Anbietende Hochschule: | HAW Kempten | ||
Kurssprache: | Englisch | ||
Wissensgebiet: | Wirtschaftswissenschaften | Kostenfrei | |
Durchschnittliche Bearbeitungszeit: | 10 Stunden | Kostenfrei | Einschreiben |
Bildnachweis: mohamed_hassan (on Pixabay) |
Was können Sie in diesem Kurs lernen?
Participants of this course will be able to ...
... understand why good leadership can make such a difference in today´s disruptive business world.
... recall the evolution of leadership theories and principles.
… build a solid foundational knowledge of how to create an environment in which others can succeed.
... reflect upon their own behaviour with regards to the principles of Transformational Leadership.
... adapt the key elements of Transformational Leadership to lead in different business situations.
... use communication tools to build relationships and influence positively.
Chapter 1: Leadership - Today more than ever – Leadership is first and foremost a mind-set, not a position, necessary to meet the requirements of the modern business world. It requires choosing to step forward and actively bringing others with.
Chapter 2: Exploring leadership theories and what can be learnt – An overview of models and theories, common success elements and styles for leadership development that highlight skills and actions that can be learnt.
Chapter 3: How to become a Transformational Leaders – One of the most well-established leadership models, proven to be effective in today´s business world. This chapter provides an introduction to the model, followed by further input on the five key elements in the next chapters.
Chapters 4-8 give a deeper insight into the key elements that make Transformational Leadership.
Chapter 4: Building a business persona (Idealized influence) – The first aspect of transformational leadership explores why a business persona and intra-personal actions impact others and how influence can be built, based on authentic and ethical behaviour.
Chapter 5: Bringing people on the journey (Inspirational motivation) – The second aspect of transformational leadership focuses on bringing other people on a journey, engaging in a vision, inspiring and motivating others to want to perform well.
Chapter 6: Treating people as individuals (Individualized consideration) – The third aspect of transformational leadership is about how to get to know and develop team members as individuals and provide growth and career development in the context of business goals.
Chapter 7: Empowering people to think (Intellectual stimulation) – The fourth aspect of transformational leadership focuses on creating the environment in which people have confidence to question the status quo, come up with new ideas and find innovate solutions for business growth.
Chapter 8: Including everyone and everything (Integrative support) – The fifth, and new competency of transformational leadership, connects all aspects of human capital and technology to reduce distances that have emerge from societal change, new working ways and digitization.
Chapter 9: Communication: The leadership booster – Communication is a meta-competency, required for both personal and business success. As such, strategies and methodologies for successful leadership communication in global business are considered here.
Angeboten von

Prof. Dr. Katrin Winkler is a Human Resources and Leadership professor at Kempten University. The many years she´s spent leading international teams and consulting leaders around the world, gave her great insight on how to motivate and inspire people - insights she wants to share with you in this open course.
Weitere Mitwirkende

Tabea Heinz is research assistant at the Institute for digital Learning of UAS Kempten. Due to her Master´s degree in "Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Leadership" she has extented knowledge about leadership and communication theory.
This course is directed to Leadership newbies. You dont need any previous knowledge to follow the course content.
Bescheinigung der Teilnahme
To receive a "Certificate of participation" for this course you must complete 80% of the interactive videos. The certificate will be generated automatically and does not embrace a grade or credit points.